Be Responsible Karaoke Version



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Be Responsible song by Patty Shukla

(Graduation Song)

Karaoke, Instrumental Version


Be responsible, be safe, be respectful Hey, Hey, Hey!

Be responsible, be safe, be respectful Hey, Hey, Hey!

I was the line leader today, because my teacher said I was responsible that way and when I walked to lunch everyone followed me, it was cool, it was good, it was GREAT to be…

Be responsible, be safe, be respectful Hey, Hey, Hey!

Be responsible, be safe, be respectful Hey, Hey, Hey!

I had to go to the clinic today, so I went with a friend because it’s safer that way. Two by two, she walked next to me, it was great, it was cool, it was good, it was GREAT to be…

Be responsible, be safe, be respectful Hey, Hey, Hey!

Be responsible, be safe, be respectful Hey, Hey, Hey!

I raised my hand in class today, because I respect my friends that way and when I raise my hand the teacher called on me… it was cool, it was good, it was GREAT to be…

Be responsible, be safe, be respectful Hey, Hey, Hey!

Be responsible, be safe, be respectful Hey, Hey, Hey!

Bridge: Treat others the way you want to be treated, that’s the golden rule. Being responsible, safe and respectful will always, always be COOL!

Be responsible, be safe, be respectful Hey, Hey, Hey!

Be responsible, be safe, be respectful Hey, Hey, Hey!


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